Eggs are one of the most efficient foods you can consume to up your biotin intake. That's because "eggs and dairy are loaded with essential nutrients known to prevent and even reverse hair loss, like Biotin, B12, omega-6, protein, and zinc-all of which are vital to the hair growth process," says Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author of The Candida Diet.
"These tasty yellow bubbles [egg yolks] include up to 33% of the daily value of biotin," adds Monica Davis, hairstylist and founder of MyStraightener.com. That said, just take care to cook your eggs properly!
"You must cook eggs fully in order to kill potential Salmonella cells and prevent the avidin protein from interfering with biotin digestion," Monica says.
Nuts are another food group that happen to be rich in biotin, with almonds being a prime choice to give you the thick, silky hair of your dreams.
In particular, eating nuts helps provide your body with healthy proteins, vitamin E and fatty acids, according to Amy Neuzil, ND of ToHealthWithThat.com. "An ounce of roasted almonds gives you 5% of your daily biotin and also 37% of your vitamin E, which boosted hair growth by 34% in one study," she reveals. Plus, "Almonds are also a great source of other hair-friendly nutrients like zinc and essential fatty acids."
Because almonds tend to contain more biotin than other nuts-such as peanuts and walnuts-they make a perfect health (and beauty)-conscious snack.
Beef and Chicken Liver
Bear with us-beef liver may sound gross, but it may be worth trying, if only for the beauty benefits it provides!
"It's surprising but 3oz. of cooked chicken liver can include up to 460% of your daily biotin value," Monica says. "Beef liver is in second place with up to 103% of the daily value per 3oz."
Last but not least, oily fish like salmon can be a good source of biotin-in addition to providing a dose of omega-3 fatty acids (which is another nutrient related to healthy hair). According to Kevin Daly of Zevo Health, eating cooked, canned and raw salmon can therefore promote healthier hair over time.
In addition to incorporating these four foods, experts advise against drinking excessively, as alcohol consumption can block the absorption of biotin. "The key to getting an adequate amount of biotin for healthy hair is to eat a variety of foods and avoid drinking in excess," explains Traci Mitchell, MS at Health & Nutrition Consultant. Noted!