Get The Most Out Of Your Gym Time With These 3 Machines, Trainers Say

February 3, 2022 by Olivia Avitt


Sometimes life gets busy, and although you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, your diet and exercise may take a backseat. Time is precious enough already, so getting the most out of the time you have to workout is key. Finding ways to maximize your benefit can be overwhelming, especially when stepping foot in a gym full of machines that you don’t fully understand how to use. What are the best machines to use at the gym if you want to get the most out of your workout, especially when you don’t have a ton of time?

According to Sheree Burton, an ISSA certified trainer and nutritionist, we tend to think that the longer and harder your workout, the more you benefit. But that’s actually not the case. “You don’t have to spend hours in the gym, nor should you (unless you really want to be there that long). I’ve never had more than an hour to spend on a workout, and it’s worked out for me just fine. It really is all about consistency and proper nutrition.” 

When it comes to exercise, quality over quantity really rings true. Making sure you’re working out properly, at the level that works best for your body, is crucial. “Some common mistakes people make at the gym would be lifting too heavy, not lifting heavy enough, not using proper form, and over training,” Burton says, “It’s not usually women I see that lift too heavy, but it does happen. Anytime you’re going to lift weights you need to warm up properly. This could be 5-10 minutes on a cardio machine or doing some body weight exercises such as squats or push ups.” 

Besides warming up, lifting weights is an essential component if you want to see a real physical transformation. “To really grow and change our bodies, we need to perform some kind of resistance training. I recommend a weight that doesn’t affect your form (from being too heavy) but is still challenging for the last 2-3 reps. Many women are afraid to lift heavier weights for fear of getting bulky. This is not going to happen. It’s not easy to build muscle and women just don’t have the testosterone to bulk up like that.” Additionally, it’s important to use proper form, not only to prevent injury, but also to properly target the muscles you want to build strength in. When it comes to the best machines for getting the most out of your workouts, Burton has a few recommendations. 

Smith Machine: “This allows for proper squats of all kinds—lunges, bar push ups, pull ups, and more. It not only helps with form but it’s universal, and you can work out your entire body without moving equipment!”

Row Machine: “I have a love hate relationship with this one. A few minutes on this feels like much more. It is another great cardio machine that works your entire body and is extremely effective in getting your heart rate up very quickly. It’s also fantastic for a warm up, interval training, or even a cardio finisher.”

Dumbbells: “Pretty much any exercise can be done with dumbbells. It’s an easy way to add weights and get a great workout at the gym or at home. Anything from squats, shoulder press, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, deadlifts, bent over rows, you name it.” 

“The options are endless! Consistency is key, but if you’re unsure about what to do while at the gym, any of these options are a great start and very effective at getting a great workout in.” Burton says. Try adding these machines to your workout program, especially when you’re pressed on time, to get a balanced workout, and get closer to achieving your fitness goals!

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