The Secret Hack People Are Using To Never Wait In Grocery Lines During The Pandemic

November 25, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


With lockdowns starting again in many states, many stores and restaurants are likely to close their doors for the time being. However, essential businesses–like grocery stores and pharmacies–are planning on staying open, which means they will probably be busier than ever.

To keep away from those crowds, it’s a good idea to start planning out your grocery visits ahead of time and to pick less busy shopping hours to make your trip.

Assessing when the grocery store will be the emptiest might seem difficult, but a recent study by Google makes it so much simpler.

According to their data, grocery stores are busiest on Saturday afternoons, specifically between 1 and 3 p.m. With that in mind, steering clear of these busy weekend hours is a smart idea.

Their study also says that grocery stores are the least crowded on Monday mornings at 8 a.m.

READ MORE: Here’s Why Health Experts Say You Should Stop Going To The Grocery Store During Lockdown

So if you want to avoid the crowds while shopping this year--and manage to check off every item on your grocery list--making an early trip on Monday morning might be your best bet.

You can also try calling your grocery store ahead of time to find out how busy it is--and if they've run out of any items you need (which can help you avoid a second trip!).

Grocery delivery or curbside pickup might also be available, depending on your store.

READ MORE: The Secret Plan Grocery Stores Have To Make Sure Everyone Gets Delivery Spots This Winter

The Google study also gave similar trends for another essential business you'll probably need to hit over the next couple of weeks: pharmacies.

According to their data, pharmacies are busiest on Fridays at 3 p.m. and the least busy on Mondays at 9 a.m.

With that in mind, it looks like Monday mornings are the best time for running errands while also staying safe and avoiding long lines.

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