6 High-Carb Foods That Are Sabotaging Your Fat-Burning Goals, Health Experts Warn: Bagels With Cream Cheese, More

September 19, 2024 by Mariam Qayum


While carbohydrates have a bad reputation in the world of weight loss, they are actually an important dietary supply for your body. The problem is that not all carbohydrates are nutritious for you, especially if you’re trying to burn fat.

Carb-loaded foods that quickly spike glucose levels (think pasta, white bread, and sugary snacks) might lead to energy dumps and cravings later in the day. On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and vegetables, provide your body with steady energy.

However, processed carbs will undermine your attempts to burn fat. These “bad” carbohydrates make it more difficult to lose weight and maintain steady energy levels because they lead your body to store fat rather than burn it.

We checked in with several health experts to learn about six high-carb foods to avoid if you’re trying to shed weight. They revealed that items such as bagels with cream cheese, muffins, cereals, and more, are the ones to watch out for. Read on to discover all six.

1. Bagels With Cream Cheese

Many bagels that we buy from the store are made from refined flour. This means they can easily cause spikes in blood sugar and lead to insulin resistance. Once you eat your bagel, the refined carbs eventually turn into glucose, which will cause a rise in blood sugar levels. High-fat toppings on your bagels, like cream cheese, will make losing weight even more difficult!

"Bagels are a very dense refined carbohydrate with around 50g of carbs per bagel. They are typically made with high-glycemic flour, which is digested quickly and can spike your blood sugars. Additionally, the high carb content is what gives bagels hundreds of calories, which can lead to an increase in body weight," says Jesse Feder, RDN, CPT.

2. Muffins

Muffins are a staple in every home, regardless of the season! Whether they are made with the traditional blueberry flavor, the adored chocolate chip flavor, or the fall-favorite pumpkin spice taste, they’re a treat that people of all ages enjoy.

But this chewy dessert can be detrimental to your fat loss goals, especially if eaten frequently.

"Muffins are high in refined carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and calories. The high amount of sugar and carbs can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. The high calorie and fat content can set you back hundreds of calories and lead to weight gain," Feder notes.

3. Candies

Now that Halloween is right around the corner, many shoppers will make their way to the stores and grab a bunch of candies to serve to trick-or-treaters. But whether it’s Halloween or not, indulging in a variety of candies doesn’t benefit your health at all. These candies are loaded with empty calories, artificial colors and flavors, and also come with a big fat content.

Feder highlights that "candy, while people may not think of it as a carbohydrate, is made mostly from carbs. They are usually very high in sugars and syrups, which can lead to spikes in blood sugar as well as increases in body weight."

4. White Bread

Similar to bagels, white bread is stripped of nutrients and comes with no fiber compared to its whole-grain/whole-wheat counterpart.

"White bread is made from refined flour that has no fiber or other essential nutrients, and it can increase blood sugar levels, leading to insulin resistance, which will result in weight gain and cardiovascular system stress," says Dr. Sarah Bonza, MD.

5. Cereals

The way cereals have been marketed has caused consumers to believe that it’s one of the healthier breakfast choices. But whether you eat this sugar-packed food in the morning or at night, it’s important to note that cereals are loaded with sugars and little to no fiber.

"Many cereals are advertised as a good beginning to the day, but they are full of sugar and not much fiber," Bonza reveals. "Preliminary research on sugar alternatives like erythritol and stevia suggests that the compounds may spike up the blood sugar levels and lead to insulin resistance, belly fat accumulation, and elevated triglyceride levels, all of which are deleterious to heart health."

7. Soda

Consumed worldwide, soda is basically a liquid sugar bomb that is drenched with artificial sweeteners and linked to various health concerns.

This refreshing and addictive beverage is known to contribute to weight gain and obesity, especially in your waistline.

"Sodas, in my opinion, are basically 'liquid sugar.' Liquid sugar, such as soda, does not provide any satiety and so adds up to calorie intake. Triglycerides increase and also cause fat deposits in the middle region of the body with the risk of diabetes type 2 and heart disease."

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