
The Scary iPhone Security Mistakes That Allow Hackers To Track Your Location

April 4, 2023 by Lisa Cupido
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Getting hacked is no one’s idea of a good time, and no one tech user is completely protected against this possibility. With that said, tech habits count when it comes to protecting yourself against hackers. The more steps you take to safeguard your device against this threat, the less vulnerable you become to major security breaches that can cost you time (and even money in some cases) to fix. Being aware of these scary iPhone security mistakes you could be making that allow hackers to track your location is an important first step. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself.

Not Updating Your Operating System

We know that updating your phone takes a little time. It can get in the way of what you need to do right this very minute — but trust tech experts when they say keeping your system updated can save you a million headaches in the long run.

“One of the worst iPhone security mistakes that can allow hackers to track your location is having an outdated operating system,” says Tech SEO Khamani Harrison at The Key Bookstore. “If your iPhone is running an older version of iOS, it can be more vulnerable to hacks and malware. Additionally, if you’re not using two-factor authentication, you’re also leaving yourself open to potential hacks. Without two-factor authentication, hackers can easily guess your password and gain access to your device.”

To prevent hacking, Harrison stresses the importance of keeping your iPhone up to date with the latest version of iOS. “Additionally, you should always use two-factor authentication when logging into your device,” Harrison says. “This will help protect your device from potential hacks. You should also be mindful of the apps you download and the websites you visit. Make sure to only download apps from the App Store and only visit secure websites.”

Not Disabling Location Services

The worst iPhone security mistake that can allow hackers to track your location is failing to disable location services for apps that don’t require it, according to Peter Zendzian, the president of ZZ Servers. “Many apps request access to location data, but not all of them need it to function properly,” Zendzian says. “Allowing unnecessary apps to access your location not only drains your battery but also exposes your movements to potential hackers. They can use this information to track your daily routine, identify where you live or work, and potentially use that information for malicious purposes. To prevent hacking, users should regularly review their location privacy settings and only grant location access to apps that require it for their intended purpose.”

Using An Unsecured Wi-Fi Network

“There have been several iPhone security mistakes that have allowed hackers to track users’ locations — one such mistake involves the use of unsecured Wi-Fi networks, which can be intercepted by hackers to obtain sensitive data,” says Michael Koh, the Senior IT Director at PropNex. The best advice is to avoid using public Wi-Fi as much as possible, and if you must, never enter your credit card information or other personal info when using it. It’s also a really good idea to use a VPN to protect your internet traffic while using an unsecured public Wi-Fi network.

“Additionally, granting unnecessary permissions to apps can also compromise user privacy,” Koh adds. “Finally, using weak or easily guessable passwords can allow hackers to gain access to iCloud accounts and track the device’s location. It is essential to be aware of these mistakes and take appropriate measures to protect your device and data.”


Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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