Costco may be known as a beloved store filled with great deals and savings on bulk items, but believe it or not, not everything in the store is a bargain. While some products certainly do offer unbeatable value, others can actually be a bad deal for budget-conscious shoppers. In fact, there are a number of items that thrifty consumers consistently avoid buying from Costco due to factors like short shelf life, higher prices elsewhere, or lower quality. From bakery items that spoil quickly to electronics that aren’t as competitively priced as they seem, savvy shoppers know when to skip certain purchases.
Here are nine items thrifty shoppers never buy at Costco that may not be worth the bulk investment.

1. Bagels
We can't deny that bagels are delicious, despite the health risks at hand. Unfortunately, though, bagel lovers may want to resist the temptation to throw this carb into their shopping Costco shopping cart. That's because bagels made in the Costco bakery are unlikely to last as long as those at other grocery stores; many shoppers report moldy bagels after a few days. This can be especially frustrating when you buy them in bulk—you're better off skipping this food.

2. Bananas
Speaking of foods that go bad quickly, the bananas at Costco are notorious for their short shelf live. Like many of the items at Costco, this is an especially major red flag when you consider the fact that they come in bulk quantities. These bananas ripen quickly and just aren't likely to last as long as it takes you to eat them all. Buy less bananas from different grocery stores!

3. Seasoning
Do we sound like a broken record? Here's one more item to consider the shelf life of. Sure, seasoning doesn't necessarily go bad or become toxic when it sits unused for a long time, but it certainly loses its flavor and potency after a while, which can throw a wrench in your recipes. That means that your Costco-sized jar of cinnamon may not be adding much flavor to your oatmeal by the time you get down to the bottom of it. You're better off sticking to small jars rather than buying it from Costco.

4. Frozen Vegetables
Frozen vegetables will take a long time to go bad, but there's a different reason to avoid this food group at Costco: the price! While we often think of Costco as having the best deals and lowest prices around, customers report that this oftentimes isn't the case when it comes to their frozen veggies. "Recently did a price comparison on some of their frozen vegetables and found other places had lower prices," a user on r/Frugal Redditor wrote.

5. Toilet Paper
We all need toilet paper—but just because it's a necessity doesn't mean you have to sacrifice quality. Sure, Kirkland toilet paper may technically be a good deal when it comes to the amount of money spent, but many shoppers agree that the low quality makes it a poor choice.

6. Premade Meals
Stocking up on premade meals at Costco can certainly be convenient, but that doesn't mean they're a good deal. Many premade meals at Costco cost over $20. Sure, that massive container of mac and cheese is delicious and so simple to pick up to feed your family, but more frugal consumers may find it worth it to simply cook up their own dinners in their kitchen.

7. Fancy Mixed Nuts
Nuts are a delicious, healthy snack. Unfortunately, though, the "fancy" Kirkland varieties sold at Costco can do some serious damage to your grocery budget it if you're not careful. Not only can the larger containers encourage overeating, but the cost per ounce is often higher compared to buying single types of nuts in bulk or at discount retailers. If you're keeping an eye on your budget, buying plain, unsalted nuts and doing the roasting at home may be a better way to go.

8. Food Court Sandwiches
Who doesn't love the Costco food court? That hot dog combo alone is enough to keep is coming back. But wallet watchers may want to steer clear of some of those tasty-looking sandwiches on the menu; they often come with a hefty price tag. If you're willing to pay more than $8 for a turkey sandwich, by all means, treat yourself—but it may be in the best interest of your budget to fix yourself a sandwich once you get home.

9. Electronics
Electronics are often placed at the forefront of Costco warehouses to grab your attention. But are they actually a good deal? Apparently not always—especially when you consider the oftentimes slim selection. As one Redditor notes, "When comparing prices for particular electronics items I want to purchase, I've always found lower prices for comparable items elsewhere (after sales)." Noted!