The Surprising (And Fun!) Cardio Workout To Burn Fat And Lose Calories, According To Personal Trainers

April 29, 2023 by Faith Geiger


If you’re trying to get fit and lose weight, you probably have a good workout routine in place. But even if you love hitting the gym, lifting weights, and going for your morning runs, the same old exercises can get boring after a while. It’s always good to discover a fun new workout to keep you motivated and on track with your weight loss goals—especially when that workout is a great way to burn calories. As it turns out, there’s one exercise in particular you may not have considered yet that fits the bill perfectly: jump-roping.

That’s right: while it make invoke feelings of childhood nostalgia, jumping rope is great for adults, too—and still so much fun. To learn more about the benefits of this highly effective exercise, we spoke to personal trainer Vivian Yu. She told us that in addition to the “fun factor,” jump-roping also helps you burn more calories, work your whole body, and more. Find all of her expert insight below!

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Benefits of jumping rope for weight loss

The benefits of jumping rope are numerous. We'll dive into a few of the ones Yu points out below.

High Calorie Burn

First thing's first: if you're looking for a great exercise for weight loss, the amount of calories you burn is crucial. Luckily, jumping rope is one of the best ways to burn calories as quickly as possible.

"Jumping rope can burn up to 10-20 calories per minute, making it an efficient workout for torching calories in a short amount of time," Yu explains. "This high calorie burn can help create a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss." Perfect!

Full-Body Workout

In addition to burning calories at a fast rate, jumping rope is also a fantastic way to work muscles all over your body, which is also important not only when it comes to strength but also weight loss. You can learn more about how muscle building helps weight loss here.

"This activity engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs, core, and upper body, providing a full-body workout that promotes muscle tone and overall fitness," Yu tells us.

Find more full-body workouts here.


No matter what your fitness level is, Yu says there are a number of modifications you can use to cater your jump-roping workout to meet your needs.

"Jump-roping can be easily modified to cater to different fitness levels and preferences," she says. "You can increase the intensity with double-unders, alternate foot jumps, or high knees, or keep it low-impact with a basic bounce."

Fun factor

Let's be honest: a workout you're not looking forward to can be a real chore to get through. Luckily, jumping rope is not only great at blasting fat, but it's also fun. 

"Jump roping can be enjoyable and challenging, helping to keep you motivated and engaged in your fitness journey," Yu concludes.

READ MORE: How To Burn More Calories With Your Cardio, According To Pros

The bottom line

It's always good to remember that working out can be just as fun as it is effective. Not only is jumping rope a great way to get your blood flowing, keep your muscles strong, and burn calories fast, but it's also a fantastic way to enjoy yourself. Yu reminds us to always warm up, start slow, maintain proper technique, and stay consistent by aiming for 2-5 jump-roping sessions per week. Time to get jumping!

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