3 Life-Changing Habits Health Experts Say You Should Follow For A Longer Life

September 30, 2022 by Faith Geiger


Even with all the advancements of modern medicine and technology, the unfortunate truth is that none of us will live forever. We can, however, make healthy decisions that will allow us to lead the longest lives possible by decreasing our risk of chronic disease and improving our quality of life. In fact, there are several habits health experts swear by when it comes to increasing life longevity—and they may be simpler than you think.

To learn more about how to lead our healthiest, longest lives, we spoke to experts Dr. Ellen Albertson, PhD, RDN, NBC-HWC and Ashlee Welter, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. They told us that ample rest, exercise, and positive thinking are key. Read on for all of their insight!

1. Get 7-9 Hours Of Sleep Every Night

Sleep doesn't only impact your energy levels. As it turns out, getting enough rest is integral to practically every aspect of our health. As Albertson notes, "Sleep is essential and impacts us  physically and mentally." She explains that ensuring you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night can help to boost your immune system and metabolism, lose or maintain weight, and even lower your risk of serious disease—which means that prioritizing a healthy sleep schedule is one of the best things you can do to make sure you live as long as possible.

2. Exercise Daily

Getting enough exercise every day is important for so many reasons—it's not just for those of us who are trying to shed a few pounds! Finding a way to move around each day can do wonders for your wellbeing. Welter points out that "exercise can impact your brain health, help with weight loss, and strength your bones and muscles," allowing you to stay fit and healthy for years and years to come. If you think you don't have the time to exercise, she offers some advice. "Break it up into increments," she recommends. "For example, go for a 10 minute walk 3 times a day. Sneak in exercise other ways, such as taking a walk during your child's soccer practice, parking far away at the grocery store or by walking as you talk on the phone." Perfect!

2. Maintain A Positive Mindset—Especially Around Aging

It's time to let go of your anxieties about aging and embrace it with open arms! As it turns out, maintaining a positive mindset about the process can actually help you live longer. "Studies show that how you view aging and your overall life impacts longevity," Albertson tells us. "One study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) found that positive thinking can increase the chances of living to 85 plus and help you live 11-15% longer." Who knew?! This is all thanks to our powerful body-mind connection. Plus, when you're welcoming the future, you're better able to plan for it and make healthy choices for yourself. "Staying positive helps you make better life decisions and stay focused on long term goals," Albertson says. But it isn't just that; positivity can also impact your physical health. "While negativity can weaken the immune system, positivity can strengthen it and also help you fight stress which is at the root of inflammation and many diseases associated with aging," she concludes. 

Overall, the best way to live longer is to follow many of the healthy habits we already know to be worthwhile: prioritize a balanced diet, keep your fitness in check, make sure you get enough rest, and don't let your mental health fade into the background. As long as you're making healthy choices that help your body and brain function to the best of their abilities, you'll be on track for a long, fulfilling life. 

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