4 Low-Carb Foods Doctors Swear By To Get A Flat Stomach Fast

September 7, 2017 by Blair Donovan

The quest for a flat stomach truly starts in the kitchen. Ab workouts mean nothing if you're not simultaneously eating healthy foods. Check out four low-carb foods doctors recommend for a flatter tummy.

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Upgrade your snack food game with almonds. According to David Katz, MD, a handful of almonds can help control your blood sugar, which prevents you from eating too much.  

Leafy greens are a no-brainer weight loss food, but what you drizzle on your salad counts. According to the "Diet Doctor," Dr. Mike Roussell, you should actually steer clear of fat-free salad dressings. These have way more sugar than regular salad dressings, so stick to toppings like olive oil or balsamic vinegar. 

Vegetables in general make the perfect low-carb food for a flat stomach, according to cardiologist Dr. Pat Donovan. They're low in fat, and high and protein and fiber.

Dr. Donovan also recommends lean proteins, like chicken breast, for another tummy weight loss meal. He says to avoid carbs as much as possible if you're on a mission for a flat stomach.

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