First of all, what are the most common causes of low energy during the day? “When I first start working with clients and they describe low energy to me, it is almost always due to a combination of skipping meals and snacks, having imbalanced meals, practicing poor sleep hygiene, and dehydration,” says Laura Gaston, RD of Busy Gal Nutrition, “Imbalanced meals that lack protein and fiber could also cause lethargy throughout the day because of unregulated blood sugar. Meals that are higher in saturated fat especially tend to cause low energy because they are more inflammatory and harder to digest, on top of lowering blood sugar.” With that being said, what are some helpful additions to your morning routine for boosted energy?
Set a Sleep Schedule
Waking up at the same time everyday, even on weekends, is one helpful way to keep your energy levels balanced. “This practice keeps your sleep hormones regular and establishes normal patterns for restorative sleep, leading to better energy,” says Integrative Medicine Physician Dr. Dana Cohen.
Don’t Look at Your Phone
It’s tempting to check our phones before we even get out of bed to see all the things we missed overnight. “Avoid checking your phone or computer for the first 30-60 minutes [of the day], and have a mindful breakfast by the window instead,” Gaston adds, “Getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning will help you naturally wake up and boost your mood.”
Get Outside!
Like Gaston said, sunlight is essential for energy! “30 minutes of sun exposure every day with no sunglasses. Some research suggests that light-sensitive cells in the eye are important to our ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles,” Dr. Cohen says, “It may be that a little dose of natural light may prevent insomnia and sleeplessness. Improved sleep gives you more energy.”
Front Load Your Water
As stated above, dehydration can make you feel lethargic. This is why Dr. Cohen emphasizes the importance of drinking lots of water, especially in the morning. “Drink a large 8-16 oz glass first thing in the morning. I add in all-natural and sugar-free electrolytes like Cure to my first glass in the morning, but you can also add lemon and real salt which aids in the cellular absorption and utilization of that water.”
Switch Up Your Coffee Recipe
Many coffee drinks include lots of added sugar, which can cause energy crashes in some people. Dr. Cohen recommends “bullet-proofing” your coffee instead. “This is actually an old Himalayan recipe where they would add yak milk (very high fat) to their caffeine. It will in essence balance out the jitters from the caffeine and keep those energy levels stable longer.”
The way you start your morning will cause a chain reaction in how the rest of your day pans out. Making sure you start things off on the right foot is the best way to have lasting energy all day long. Making an effort to be intentional with your habits—including putting your phone down, drinking lots of water, and spending time outside—is crucial for feeling your best from the minute you wake up to the minute your head hits the pillow.