
Nutritionists Say You Should Follow This Easy Veggie Rule If You Want To Lose Weight Fast

October 12, 2022 by Marissa Matozzo
shefinds | Health

When it comes to healthy (and faster) weight loss, this is possible through exercise, a consistent sleep schedule, ample hydration, and most importantly, a well-balanced diet. We checked in with health experts and nutritionists to learn more about one of the healthiest ways to prepare your veggies to promote weight loss, and to nourish your body after exercise and when you need a boost of energy. Read on for tips, suggestions and insight from Lisa Richards, registered nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet.



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Tip #1— Steam Your Veggies

For one simple and quick cooking method that won't add fattening oils to your vegetables, Richards recommends steaming them. Vegetables can be cooked and maintain their nutrients and health through other means than frying, she notes. She dubs steaming to be an option that "uses little or no oil and provides a delightful vegetable."


There are a few reasons why frying vegetables is less healthy than other possible cooking methods, she stresses. One of the primary concerns is the "amount of fat you're introducing to a relatively low fat food naturally," she adds. This fat equates to an increase in calories, at 9 calories per gram.


"Heart health and dangerous weight gain become a concern for those taking in excess dietary fat," Richards continues, and "even if healthy fats are chosen," these are often "high in omega-6 fatty acids," which can be inflammatory and damaging if not balanced with omega-3 fats in the diet.

#2— Try Veggie Pasta

Now that you know the benefits of steaming veggies, you may still want another creative way to prepare your vegetables for weight loss. If you love pasta, Richards offers up another idea, as she says, "it seems just about any vegetable can be made into a spaghetti version of itself." By using a spiralizer, she explains, "you can take zucchini and other forms of squash and make them into noodles."


To do so, she instructs to "simply boil or steam them as normal and place your favorite low-sugar sauce on them and you have a delicious, nutrient-dense pasta alternative." This, she continues, gives you a "low-carb pasta and also adds in antioxidants and other protective phytonutrients." The actual spaghetti squash makes an "excellent low-carb pasta replacement," and provides the dieter with fiber for added benefits," she concludes. The more you know! 



Senior Staff Writer

Marissa is a Brooklyn-based culture journalist and senior staff writer at SheFinds, covering edgy celebrity style, timeless beauty trends, lifestyle and entertainment news. Her coverage of indie music, NYC fashion, underground and pop culture is featured in PAPER Magazine, Paste Magazine, The Knockturnal, Bandsintown and more. You can reach her at [email protected]

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