The One Protein Your Diet NEEDS If You Can’t Lose Weight

March 23, 2020 by D.Wolfe


Peanut butter is probably not the first thing most people reach for when trying to lose weight, but should. Peanut butter a great source for protein which can help you stay fuller, longer.  But, it’s also high in fat and sugar (unless you are eating the natural version.) If you are a peanut butter lover, don’t despair! There’s a lower-calorie alternative that will give you that full peanut butter flavor and still tastes great.

Peanut butter power is a great alternative to regular peanut butter. It’s made by pressing out the majority of the natural oils from roasted peanuts and then grinding it into a fine powder. It’s packed with peanut flavor but contains 85% fewer calories from fat. Two tablespoons of natural peanut butter have about 190 calories and two tablespoons of powdered peanut butter only have 45 calories. Even better, it can be used as a powder or rehydrated with water to form a paste.

Peanut butter powder is great for boosting your protein and fiber intake without adding a bunch of calories. There is some concern that the reduction of fat in peanut butter powder will not provide the feeling of fullness and satisfaction after a meal. Traditional peanut butter contains 16 grams per two tablespoons, while peanut butter powder contains just 1.5 grams of fat per two tablespoons. It all depends on your fitness goals and what your body needs.

Peanut butter powder is easy to incorporate into recipes. Add some water to make a paste and use it on top of your morning hot cakes.

Add it to your smoothies, sprinkle it onto oatmeal, stir into batters, or use it to flavor sauces. Peanut butter powder is a versatile option for people on restricted calorie diets. It’s cost-effective and has a long shelf life—a great economic option for weight loss.


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