1. Upward-Facing Dog
Lie on your stomach on either a yoga mat or some other comfortable surface. Place both of your hands, palm side down, on both sides of your chest. Ensure that your fingers are spread apart. Tuck your elbows towards your body and press your palms into the mat until your arms are completely extended. Once your arms are extended, lift your head, shoulders, and the entirety of your torso off the mat. Hold this position for 30 seconds. You should feel a stretch in your abdomen, spine, torso, and arms. Upward facing dog strengthens the wrists, arms, and shoulders. Additionally, this pose opens the upper body and chest, which helps improve posture and promotes a longer and leaner torso.
2. Standing Side Bend
Place your legs and feet together while standing as tall as you can. Raise both of your arms straight up while you inhale, and then lower your right arm down the right side of your body. As you do this, exhale and lift and lengthen your left arm overhead towards the right side of your body while slowly bending your body to the right. Hold this position for about 10 seconds, and then return both of your arms directly overhead. Repeat on the other side. This stretch strengthens the spine and obliques, improves posture, and creates a leaner torso.
3. Cat Cow
Start on all fours with your wrists directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Make sure that your knees and shins are hip-width apart and center your head with your gaze pointing downward. Start with cat-pose by pulling your stomach in towards your spine while rounding your back up towards the ceiling, and tuck your chin into your chest. Next, move to your cow-pose by arching your back and dropping your stomach towards the mat. Raise your head and tailbone towards the ceiling. Continue to move between the two poses. This stretch warms up the spine, relieves tension from the neck and back, and improves posture by lengthening the torso.
4. Side Stretch on a Ball
To do this stretch, you need to use an exercise ball. Sit down next to the ball, and then press the right side of your body into the ball and allow your body to stretch and lean over the ball. Let your torso rest on top of the ball, place your right hand on the ground to help keep you balanced, and lengthen your legs. To deepen the stretch, bring your left arm above your head and reach to the right. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, and then repeat it on the left side of the body. This exercise stretches your torso and hip flexor muscles and strengthens your core. Side stretching on a ball also improves flexibility and balance.
Stretching daily is important for achieving flexibility, and it may take time to see results. Try doing these stretches in the morning, before bed, or after a workout to feel great in your body in no time.