
3 Surprisingly Sugary Breakfast Foods Dietitians Say You Should Never Eat–Almost Always Lead To Weight Gain!

September 11, 2023 by Mariam Qayum
shefinds | Health

Breakfast is often referred to as the “most important meal of the day” because it kickstarts our metabolism, replenishes energy levels, and provides essential nutrients to help us perform at our best throughout the morning. However, not all breakfast choices are created equal. Sugary breakfasts, while tempting and delicious, can have significant implications for our health, particularly when it comes to weight gain.

We spoke with Heidi Moretti, MS, RD, AKA The Healthy RD; nutritionist Lisa Richards, creator of The Candida Diet; dietitian Trista Best, and dietitian Krutika Nanavati; to learn about the three breakfast foods that you should avoid because they could lead to weight gain. They revealed that cereal, oatmeal, and pastries are the three foods we should cut down if we’re trying to lose weight.

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Cereals are a common breakfast choice for many due to their convenience and wide variety of flavors. However, it's crucial to be mindful of the type of cereal we consume, as sugary cereals can be a significant contributor to weight gain. These cereals often contain high amounts of added sugars, which can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, followed by crashes that leave us feeling hungry and craving more sugary foods throughout the day. The excessive consumption of sugary cereals can contribute to an increased calorie intake, ultimately leading to weight gain over time.

Moretti points out that there are specific brands which are worse than others. "Froot Loops are the worst cereal because they contain 12 grams of sugar per meager serving, are full of artificial food dyes that are unhealthy for gut health, mood, and may even raise cancer risk," she states.



Oatmeal is often regarded as a healthier breakfast option due to its high fiber content and potential to promote fullness. However, the way oatmeal is prepared and the toppings added can impact its association with weight gain. Plain oats are a nutritious choice, but when loaded with excessive amounts of sugar, syrups, or high-calorie toppings like nuts and dried fruits, oatmeal can become a calorie-dense meal.

"Dried fruit is concentrated in natural sugars and can be high in calories," Best points out. "This can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of developing chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease."

Richards points out the downside of brown sugar, another popular oatmeal topping. "While it may seem like a healthier option compared to white sugar, it is still a source of added sugar and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess," Richards warns.



Bakery products like pastries, muffins, and croissants are popular breakfast items, but they are often laden with unhealthy fats, sugars, and refined carbohydrates. These products can lead to weight gain when regularly consumed as part of a breakfast routine. The combination of high-calorie ingredients and low nutritional value in many bakery items can cause rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels, leading to increased cravings and overeating throughout the day.

"While tempting, bakery products like muffins and pastries are often laden with unhealthy trans fats and sugars. These substances can cause inflammation and a build-up of fatty deposits in your arteries, leading to heart disease. A healthier alternative would be homemade muffins or bread made from whole grains, nuts, and seeds," Nanavati shares.


Editorial Assistant

Mariam is an Editorial Assistant at SheFinds, covering everything from celebrity fashion to health and wellness. A true city girl at heart, she splits her time between New York and Philly, bringing that hustle and creativity wherever she goes. With a resume packed with internships and editorial roles, she's built a solid expertise in the field. When she's not writing, pitching, or obsessing over the latest TikTok trends, you can find her hanging with family, cooking up something delicious, or dreaming about her next travel adventure. You can reach Mariam at [email protected].

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