The Unexpected Mistake You Can Make When Opening Packages

May 27, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


With many stores closed and people ordering packages more and more, it’s important to keep in mind the best ways to stay safe while bringing packages into your home. Specifically, keeping necessary hygiene practices in mind (even while staying at home) is important.

With that in mind, keep reading for the unexpected mistake you can make when opening packages!

Not Washing Your Hands

It's important to keep hygiene in mind when it comes to opening packages, especially since we do not currently know how long coronavirus can last on paper.

Although coronavirus is mostly spread through person-to-person contact, it can also be spread by contaminated surfaces. According to WebMD, "After opening your mail and throwing away the envelopes, thoroughly wash your hands to be on the safe side."

The article continues, explaining how coronavirus can spread: "The novel coronavirus spreads primarily through respiratory droplets after someone coughs or sneezes. It’s possible to spread from contaminated surfaces as well."

Your packages might be one of these contaminated surfaces.

It can also a good idea to leave packages outside for a bit before bringing them into the house.

WebMD continues, "When you look at the larger family of coronaviruses, which includes the new coronavirus, research shows the time they can live on paper varies by strain. Some can live only for a few minutes while others may live up to 5 days."

Either way, making sure to wash your hands after opening packages is a good extra precaution to stay safe and healthy, while also avoiding bringing any unwanted germs or viruses into your home.

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