
The One Streaming App No Apple Employee Has On Their iPhone Anymore In 2020

November 21, 2020 by Lisa Cupido
shefinds | News

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There are a number of streaming services that deliver quality content and will keep you entertained throughout the longest, coldest days of winter. But if you’ve ever wondered which apps tech experts tend to avoid in favor of others, there are a few that fall behind on the list. Apps that can compromise your privacy are always suspicious. Tech Expert Ian Kelly at NuLeaf Naturals talked to about the one streaming app no Apple employee has on their iPhone anymore in 2020.

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iphone lifespan

When in doubt, provide your iPhone with short, periodic charges throughout the day. Doing so ensures that the battery doesn’t fall below 10 percent or have to be charged overnight. And these changes in charging habits should have a positive effect on the lifespan of your phone. 

iphone lifespan

Although a second mistake you could be making has much less of an effect on your iPhone than the first, Schofield says it’s also a good idea not to keep your phone battery in a low charge state all the time. “It is better to charge your phone every night and use it from 100% charge down to 60% charge every day, rather than 100% charge then using it for two days,” Schofield says. “And you definitely shouldn't only half charge it, then use it for one day, this is really bad. Just remember, every time you completely flatten your battery, it cries a bit inside.”

iphone lifespan

This small and simple change will hugely improve how well your battery is working after your phone is a year or two old, according to Schofield. “The phone manufacturers sell you the dream of charging in less than an hour, but it is damaging for your battery,” Schofield says. “It's worth remembering that the manufacturer won't mind if your battery is dead after two years, because they'll happily sell you another one.”

iphone lifespan

The number one worst mistake people make with their iPhones, according to Schofield, is that they charge their phones quickly, even when the device doesn’t require it. 


“If you are going to bed, and your phone is going to sit there next to you for 6 hours or more anyway, buy a low powered charger (1 amp) and use this to charge your phone when charging overnight,” Schofield says. 


Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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