The One Trick For Speeding Up Your Metabolism Over 40 That You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

April 8, 2020 by SheFinds Health


There is no single secret trick to weight loss, but there are a few life hacks that can make your progress come sooner. Tricks that speed up your metabolism are very worth your while, because a faster metabolism will not only help you lose weight, but it can help you get the best nutrients and energy from the foods in your diet.

It isn’t hard to speed up your metabolism, either. The best way to do this is to add more cardio exercises into your daily routine, but there are also smaller things you can do every day to boost your metabolism without even changing your habits too much.

You might have already heard that drinking green tea is good for you, but if you're not already drinking multiple cups a day, you probably haven't realized just how good this tea is for weight loss.

Green tea helps speed up digestion, decreases inflammation in the body and can contribute to weight loss when integrated into a healthy diet.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that have been known to improve metabolic function. In fact, a study concluded that people who consumed green tea extract for 12 weeks experienced loss in body weight, body fat and waist circumference.

The best way to get the most benefits from green tea on your metabolism is to drink several cups a day. Green tea contains caffeine, so it makes for a great morning drink to start your day, but you should be sure to switch to decaf later on.

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