Why People Who Eat This Type Of Bread In The Morning Struggle To Lose Weight

January 19, 2022 by Marissa Matozzo


Toast is a classic and versatile breakfast staple that many people don’t want to give up when trying to lose weight. The good news is, you don’t have to! While there are many healthy bread options out there, there is one type— a processed, sugary kind— to avoid that could sabotage your weight loss goals. 

We spoke with certified weight loss coach Jody Braverman, NASM-CPT, NASM-FNS, PN1, and nutritionist for Bellabeat, Jennifer Allura, CDN, about the one kind of bread you’d do better without and what to replace it with.

How White Bread Hinders Weight Loss

Apart from fiber-less and sugar-filled croissants and other unhealthy morning pastries, there is one type of bread you might use when making “healthy” meals that actually isn’t beneficial at all.

White bread is iconic and ubiquitous (think classic Wonder Bread). The drawbacks of it, however, outweigh its delicious taste and popularity. From its heavy sugar to its loaded carbs, there are so many ways white bread can hinder your desired weight loss.  

“White, refined grain breads, and breads with added sugars are no-nos,” says Braverman. “Refined grain has been stripped of much of its nutrients and fiber during processing.” Your body, she explains, breaks down refined grains very quickly into sugars. They are then rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream. “It’s really not much better than eating straight sugar,” adds Braverman. 

“Refined grains, like sugars, cause blood sugar fluctuations that can make you feel tired and lethargic soon after eating.” This, she says, can exacerbate food cravings and overeating. With their low fiber and protein contents, these types of breads “do little” to provide satiation, making them “empty calories.”

“White bread will ensure those scale numbers do not move for you,” says Allura. She also notes that because white bread is so highly refined and contains “loads of sugar,” it will spike your glucose levels “higher than normal” and “much faster” than other food and bread choices.
Allura too, says that due to the sugar content, you can also experience “random sugar cravings when your sugar drops after what may seemingly be a small sandwich with white bread.”

This can cause you to replace that craving with something that “may not be in the best interest of your weight loss journey.” “If you are attempting to lose weight,” Allura says, “particularly stay clear of commercially packaged white breads and bread slices.”

Better Bread Options

There’s no denying that white bread is tasty, but it’s due to its heavy sugar content and carbs. Now that you know why to be weary of it, experts recommend healthier options and note what ingredients to look out for.

“Bread gets a bad rap,” says Braverman. “Not all breads are bad, though.” She says that whole grain breads can be “very nutritious and fiber-rich,” and “getting enough fiber is key to losing weight.” 

Allura agrees, saying that although she doesn’t recommend cutting carbs out of any diet completely, “you want to go for breads that contain grains and nuts to get that carb fix without carb-load and sugar-filled drawbacks.” 

Replacing white bread in the morning with a whole grain option is a great way to have a delicious breakfast that won’t deter you from your weight loss goals! As so many meals require some type of bread, choosing one that has nuts and other fiber-rich content will help you create a well-rounded diet to lose weight healthily.

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