The One Sugary Drink Experts Say No One Should Be Having Anymore Because It Leads To Inflammation And Weight Gain

August 14, 2022 by Faith Geiger


This story has been updated since it was originally posted on 04/11/22

If you’re like many people in the world, you rely on caffeine to get you through the work day. For some of us, that caffeine comes from a hot cup of coffee every morning. Others go a sweeter route and opt for energy drinks instead–but it turns out that an energy drink habit could lead to some serious health consequences.

You’ve likely heard about many of the common downsides to energy drinks. Too much caffeine can lead to restlessness, insomnia, a higher heart rate, and anxiety, to name a few. However, the negative effects of drinking too many sugary energy drinks often go beyond these classic pitfalls. Energy drinks could be detrimental to your long-term health for another reason, too: inflammation.

To get down to the bottom of it all, we spoke to dietitians Dana Ellis Hunnes PhD, MPH, RD and author of Recipe for Survival and Trist Best, RD for Balance One, about this unexpected downside to energy drinks no one tells you about.

Energy drinks can lead to inflammation

When you chug an energy drink to push through your mid-afternoon slump, you’re putting yourself at risk of a serious trade-off: inflammation and weight gain. Hunnes says this is because most energy drinks are filled with sugar. Best agrees: “Energy drinks have added ingredients like alternative sweeteners and sugar,” she says “The average sugar content of an energy drink is 54 grams, an alarming rate that can cause weight gain and poor digestive health.” According to Hunnes, all of that sugar increases your body’s insulin response as well as an inflammatory marker known as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor).

While reaching for sugar-free energy drinks is definitely a healthier option, the risk of inflammation is still there, simply because the drink still tastes sweet! "Digestion begins all the way in the mouth, and sweet flavors do release some insulin whether there's actual sugar or not," Hunnes explains. "There might still be some response, even if it is a lower or lesser inflammatory response."

So, what are the long-term effects of increased inflammation in your body? Hunnes says it can lead to serious complications, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, certain cancers, and stroke. "The more inflammation in our body, the higher the risk is that we exhibit one of these ailments," she warns. That means it might be best to think twice next time you're craving a Red Bull.

Healthier alternatives to energy drinks

Let’s face it: there are always going to be times when you’ll need a bit of a boost. So, what are some healthy alternatives to energy drinks?

Hunnes suggests opting for a true classic: “I recommend black coffee, or coffee with unsweetened soy milk or other plant-based milk,” she says. Tea is another great option. 

Hunnes also notes that the healthiest way to go is oftentimes a big glass of plain old water. You may find that you don’t need caffeine as much as you think you do! “Sometimes when we’re feeling really tired it’s a symptom of dehydration,” she explains.

So next time you need an extra bit of energy, think about what your body really wants–we’re going to take a guess and say it likely won’t be a sugar-loaded energy drink. 

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