Want To Shed Pounds Over 40? Experts Say You Should Do These 3 Things Every Day.

June 11, 2023 by Faith Geiger


This post has been updated since its initial publish date to include more expert insight.

Losing weight can always be a daunting task, but it may be especially difficult to navigate as you get older and factors like your metabolism, hormones, and activity level change. Luckily, though, it’s still possible to get into great shape and slim down to your goal weight over 40. If you implement the right healthy habits into your daily routine, you’ll be looking and feeling your best in due time.

To learn more about exactly what those healthy habits entail, we spoke to personal trainer and nutritionist Mary Sabat. She gave us a rundown of her best tips and tricks for shedding pounds over 40, which include eating whole foods, getting enough sleep, and increasing your activity levels. Find all of her advice below!

1. Focus on Eating Whole Foods

First things first: if you want to lose weight and keep it off, maintaining a balanced diet should be a priority now and forever. Sabat emphasizes the importance of choosing whole foods over processed varieties, especially, as this is the best way to provide your body with all the nutrients that will allow it to thrive.

"Eating whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs," she says. "Eating whole foods can also help to reduce cravings for unhealthy processed foods and reduce your overall calorie intake."

Additionally, Sabat says that regularly eating at home rather than going out to restaurants can help lower your calorie intake, as well as keep your consumption of excessive carbs to a minimum.

2. Get Enough Sleep

While you may not typically associate sleep with weight loss, Sabat says this is one of the most important factors of your health to consider if you want to shed pounds over 40. "Getting enough sleep is essential for weight loss, especially for women over 40," she stresses.

Sleep plays a central role in practically every area of your overall health, and therefore impacts your ability to lose weight in a few different ways. "Studies have shown that getting enough sleep can help regulate hormones, reduce stress, and boost metabolism, which can all help with weight loss," Sabat explains. That means you should be sure to maintain a healthy sleep schedule and aim for a solid 6-8 hours each night. And if you struggle to fall or stay asleep, try some of these doctor-recommended supplements to improve sleep.

3. Increase Your Activity Level

You know what they say: no pain, no gain! In addition to changing your diet, it's also important to find time to work out every day if weight loss is your goal. "Increasing your activity level can help to burn more calories and build muscle, which can both help with weight loss," Sabat confirms.

According to her, falling into a good workout routine can make all the difference in your weight loss progress. "A regular exercise routine can also help to reduce stress and improve overall health," Sabat says. This is particularly important to keep in mind as you age and your activity level tends to wane. As Sabat says, "People have a tendency to decrease activity as they age and this can be one of the biggest obstacles to stubborn weight gain." So get out there and take daily walks, bike rides, or even laps around a pool!

The Bottom Line

So, experts like Sabat say that if you really want to lose substantial weight you just have to eat a diet rich in whole foods, get plenty of sleep, and exercsie regularly. And, remember to keep track of your weight loss progress, from your diet to your daily activities to your changing weight as you shed pounds. "Tracking your progress can help to keep you motivated and on track with your weight loss goals," she says. "Keeping track of your food intake, exercise, and weight can help you to stay focused and adjust your plan if needed. In all my years of helping people lose weight, the ones that log their food and are accountable are the successful ones. I always say you need to log to lose," she concludes.

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