Want To Achieve Healthy Weight Loss? Why Experts Recommend ‘Intuitive Eating’

January 20, 2022 by Marissa Matozzo


Despite what society, TV and social media might say or advise, only you know what works best for your own body. We spoke with dietitians, nutritionists and health experts about learning that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to dieting or losing weight. They all agreed that to find the most satisfying way to nourish your body, you have to “trust your intuition.”

Read on for tips and remember—making weight loss or health goals for yourself is nothing to be ashamed of or feel pressured by—and your body is already beautiful and stronger than you might realize.

What Is ‘Intuitive’ Eating?

Many people hear the term “intuitive eating” and think it refers to a specific diet. Experts tell us that in reality, it’s really the antithesis of a diet as it doesn’t teach us which specific foods to eat or avoid. It is more importantly centered around trusting your gut (literally and figuratively). Unlearning the mentality of a traditional diet, these experts explain, is how to connect with yourself. This is possible by truly enjoying food and seeing it as something nourishing and supportive.

“Mindful eating, also known as intuitive eating, may be a necessary practice to integrate into your eating habits,” says Trista Best, registered dietitian. She explains that stalled weight loss “could be a result of eating when you’re not physically hungry, eating past your hunger, or any of the other principles that mindful (intuitive) eating shares.”

Andrea Blindt, RN, holistic health practitioner and health expert, agrees. “Intuitive eating is a form of mindfully selecting the type and quantity of food that feels right for your unique body,” says Blindt. She says that this mindset allows people to “push the pause button” on the world and the revolving diet plans that from “the news and media” and “gives the power back” to the individual.

“You are the expert of your body more than anyone else,” Blindt continues. “When you learn how to tune in and honor your intuition you create more energy, wellness, weight management, and enlightenment in every aspect of your life.” She reiterates that intuitive eating means “listening to your innate knowing about when you are hungry, when you are full, what food feels right to your body, and honoring it.” 

Why Health Experts Recommend 'Mindful' Eating & How To Begin

After learning what "intuitive eating" refers to, you might be wondering how to implement this mindset into your own life. Registered nutritionist Lisa Richards stresses the importance of mindfulness when trying to lose weight, and to not put pressure or be too hard on oneself during the often difficult and exhausting process.

"Each meal is an opportunity to be mindful of what your body needs, but also to intentionally allow yourself to indulge on occasion," says Richards. "Mindfulness enables you to live in balance in this way." One important aspect of mindful eating, she says, is to pay special attention to your hunger and fullness cues.

"Hunger and fullness can be rated on a scale from 1-10 and by rating your hunger before and fullness after meals, you can become better in tune with the best times and amounts that will fulfill your unique needs."

Overall, learning how to nourish your body for you and how to recognize what makes you feel best is a powerful feeling. For more information on how to maintain a balanced diet, speak with your doctor and remember— your body truly is beautiful, strong and there are no limits to what you can accomplish with proper self care.

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