The Worst Coffee Mistakes For Weight Loss, According To A Registered Dietitian
November 20, 2021 by Justine Schwartz
Drinking black coffee has more health benefits than we can count on one hand, including several for weight loss alone. “It can be beneficial by providing the body with antioxidants, acting as a diuretic, and improving bowel movements in those with digestive issues,” registered dietitian Trista Best explains. Additionally coffee can help increase energy which is a necessary factor in exercise (which can, in turn, lead to weight loss). So, why isn’t your coffee working for you? Well, you’re probably not drinking it black!
Watch What You Add To It“Coffee may lead to weight gain primarily due to the ingredients you use to sweeten or flavor your coffee,” Trista explains. It’s as plain and simple as that: coffee alone supports weight loss, but coffee with a bunch of sweeteners and creamers does just the opposite.
“By adding high-calorie and fat sweeteners or creamers you are increasing the likelihood of your regular coffee beverage causing weight gain,” Trista Warns. And that might be because you are conditioned to wanting your coffee to taste sweeter than it naturally does, but the