The Worst Inflammatory Pantry Snack You Should Cut Out Immediately If You Want To Lose Weight, According To Experts

October 31, 2023 by Mariam Qayum


Pantry snacks play a significant role in our daily diet, and the choices we make can have a profound impact on our health. Inflammation, a natural response of the immune system, can be triggered by various factors, including the foods we consume. Some pantry snacks, unfortunately, can be particularly harmful in this regard, as they are known to promote inflammation in the body. Inflammation, when chronic, is associated with a host of health issues, and certain inflammatory pantry snacks can also hinder weight loss efforts.

We spoke with Destini Moody, RD, CSSD, LD at The Athlete’s Dietitian, to learn about the one inflammatory pantry snack that you should cut out if you want to succeed in your weight loss goals. Moody revealed that, sadly, packaged desserts are the worst culprits when it comes to inflammatory pantry snacks that can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Cutting out or significantly reducing packaged desserts from your pantry is a crucial step toward achieving your weight loss goals and promoting better overall health.

Packaged Desserts

Packaged desserts encompass a wide array of sweet treats readily available on store shelves, from cookies and cakes to sugary snack bars and flavored yogurts. Unfortunately, many of these delectable indulgences can be a double-edged sword when it comes to our health. Packed with refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, these inflammatory desserts can also cause weight gain if consumed regularly.

"Packaged desserts are the worst things you can have in your pantry. Snacks like powdered doughnuts or toaster pastries should be mostly avoided as excess consumption can cause weight gain and inflammation. These foods tend to have saturated fat, added sugar and even trans fats. The USDA recommends avoiding trans fats at all costs to the point that they recommend it makes up less than 1% of your daily calorie intake. This is because trans fats are known to trigger inflammation, raise bad cholesterol and drastically increase risk of heart disease," Moody reveals.

She further goes on to explain how these delicious and addicting treats can lead to weight gain, and some of it may surprise you.

"Weight gain may be caused by these snacks because they are hyperpalatable, which means they are made with a specific combination of fat, sugar, sodium, and carbohydrates that make it difficult to stop eating. They tend to be low in either fiber or protein, which are key components to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Without this feeling of satiation, it can be difficult to manage your hunger even after you’ve finished your snack," Moody states. Noted!

The Bottom Line

Although quitting sugary desserts altogether can be a challenging feat, you can begin by allowing yourself the occasional indulgence in these packaged treats. This approach enables you to strike a balance, preventing excessive consumption while still permitting yourself an occasional treat without feeling deprived. Moody also shared some of her recommended snacks that are healthier and will have you feeling satisfied.

"Snacks like popcorn, beef jerky, and whole wheat crackers are better alternatives as they are lower in calories and sugar, along with having either fiber or good lean protein to keep you feeling full until your next meal, as a good snack should," she suggests.

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