The Worst Skincare Mistakes To Avoid This Fall If You Want Younger-Looking Skin

October 13, 2023 by Lisa Cupido
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Having a solid skincare routine that consists of a cleanser, moisturizer, and serum is a foundation for achieving smoother, healthier skin. If you want to then starting adding active ingredients in to the mix, like vitamin C and retinol, all the better. Exfoliating twice a week and getting plenty of water and sleep are also game-changers. 

You can be doing everything right, but if you’re making some of the most common skincare mistakes, you will also thwart your efforts to have younger-looking, glow skin. Here are some mistakes you could be making that are (don’t fear) also very easy to correct. 

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Scrubbing Your Skin 


You wake up and find that your skin is as dry as the Sahara. So you grab the nearest grainy exfoliant and a textured cloth and scrub, scrub, scrub all that dead skin away. Effective? Maybe, in the short term. But you’re also rubbing your skin to the point where it could become overly sensitive, irritated, red, and more prone to pimples. The key word in skincare is “gentle.” Use gentle cleansers that are formulated for your skin type. Exfoliate twice weekly with an enzyme-based exfoliant, and not a harsh, grainy product. Even if you have oily, acne-prone skin, don’t assume that you have to torture it to get it in shape. Gentle is always better. 


Not Wearing Sunscreen Every Day 


Sunscreen is NOT a suggestion — it’s a must. And even though you may have your sunscreen routine down to a science during the summer, some of us forget that damaging UV rays continue to be present during all four seasons, including when there is snow on the ground. 


Get into the habit of applying sunscreen every morning and then re-applying it before you spend time outdoors. An SPF 30 or higher is most protective. 


Never Moisturizing 


Those of us with dry skin wouldn’t dream of leaving the house without a layer or 14 of moisturizer on our skin. But moisturizer doesn’t choose favorites — it’s an important product for all skin types. The myth that those with oily skin will only add oil to their skin and could risk getting more pimples from a moisturizer is just that — a myth. When your skin is balanced and hydrated it is it’s healthiest, and that typically involves using a moisturizer that works with your skin type. Find one that contains nourishing ingredients but that is oil-free and formulated for oily and acne-prone skin if you’re worried about how it could affect your skin. 


Using Too Many Products 


Fortunately, the days of the 15-step skincare routine appear to be waning a bit. Not only is using so many products in one skincare session a drain on your wallet, but it doesn’t always have the best outcomes for your skin. 


Loading up your skin with too many serums and moisturizers can cause irritation and break-outs. If your active ingredients are compatible with each other, they can become ineffective or simply dry out your skin and make it more sensitive. Simplify your routine by sticking to the basics: cleanser, vitamin C serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen in the morning; cleanser, moisturizer, and a retinol if your skin can tolerate it at night. 


Forgetting Your Neck & Chest


Your neck and chest are probably as exposed to UV rays and other environmental factors as your face, but they’re easy to forget and ignore. Unfortunately, the thinner skin on your neck shows signs of aging faster than many other areas, and it’s a good idea to remember to include it in your skincare routine. Whether you’re cleansing your neck with micellar water, adding retinol, or dragging a bit of night cream downward to protect your neck and chest, don’t neglect this important area. 


So many of us are making these common skincare mistakes. But with a little knowledge you can correct these errors ASAP and get glowing, healthy skin. 


Lisa Fogarty is a lifestyle writer and reporter based in New York who covers health, wellness, relationships, sex, beauty, and parenting.

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