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It’s time to face the truth: your hair goes through it during the summer! Between chlorine and sea salt and sun damage, summer can wreak havoc on your luscious locks if you aren’t taking care of them. But don’t get scared—it’s actually really easy to protect and nourish your hair when you’re using the right products… Like this cheap (but effective) deep conditioning hair mask.
This shea butter mask from Maui Moisture works wonders for all hair types! I’m a ~total~ hair product snob, and Maui Moisture is one of my favorite brands. Made with shea butter, coconut oil, and macadamia oil, this mask will be especially helpful for those with curly textures or super dry hair. And the first ingredient is 100% aloe juice which repairs, restores, and strengthens your luscious locks for healthy looking hair. This mask transforms your hair in just 5 minutes, leaving it softer and shinier… You’ll feel the difference.
Maui Moisture Heal & Hydrate + Shea Butter Hair Mask ($6.97)
See what devoted customers have to say about this cheap hair mask:
“I cannot get enough of this product. Since I first used it I have washed my hair every 2-3 days. Normally I don’t care and just give up. I’ve lived in FLorida 12 years and have not found a product that will keep my dry curls hydrated, bouncy and soft.”
“I’m on my third order of this and my stylist was very impressed by how much softer and healthier my hair is. I’ve had a lot less breakage too. And it smells good!”
We love how easy this mask is! Like I said, you can leave it on for as little as 5 minutes and you’ll see a change. Or, use it as a leave-in conditioner for continued hydration. Some customers use it every time they shampoo, others use it more sparingly… It’s all up to you and your hair needs. Use it on clean, damp hair for best results. With 14,000 five-star reviews, it’s obviously a game-changer. Don’t waste another hair wash day—order this $7 hair mask from Amazon to get the hair of your dreams.